Legal information
On December 28, 2009, the Netherlands implemented the European Services Directive (Directive 2006/123/EC). The Dutch Civil Code includes the obligation that service providers, including lawyers, are required to provide certain information prior to engaging a (potential) client. This information can be provided via a brochure, via the website of the relevant service provider or by sending or submitting the information provided. As of January 1, 2015, the said obligation has been included in the Netherlands Attorney Ordinance as well. GLG Litigation B.V. ("GLG Litigation") has opted to publish the said information on its website.
Organization and Services
GLG Litigation is a private limited liability company, registered in the Netherlands trade register of its Chamber of Commerce under reference 51706687. There are two advocates associated with GLG Litigation, who are employed by the said company. This concerns mr. B. Jongmans and mr. S.M. Andriesse. These advocates have registered the following principal (and secondary) legal practice areas in the Netherlands Bar’s register of legal areas: (1) Administrative Law; (1a) Administrative Procedural Law; (1b) European Law; and (1c) Enforcement Law. Based on this registration, they are required to obtain ten training credits per calendar year in each registered principal legal practice area in accordance with the standards set by the Netherlands Bar.
GLG Litigation is not affiliated with the optional legal disputes committee of the Netherlands Attorney Bar Association. GLG Litigation has made available an office complaints procedure in accordance with the model of the said Association. The said procedure applies to all rendered services of GLG Litigation.
GLG Litigation works on the basis of general terms and conditions, which are sent to (new) clients of the office with the engagement. GLG Litigation charges an hourly rate, plus VAT (whether or not plus third-party costs). GLG Litigation does not accept state subsidized cases. Furthermore, no services are rendered on a "no cure no pay" basis. New clients must identify themselves prior to any engagement. The contractual relationship between GLG Litigation and the client is governed by Netherlands law.
The general terms and conditions state that the Amsterdam court has the exclusive jurisdiction in the event of disputes between GLG Litigation and the client. GLG Litigation is insured through professional liability insurance from AON. This includes a deductible € 2,5 mln. per claim and a maximum coverage of € 2,5 mln. per contract year. Limitations of liability are included in the general conditions. The said condition included a limitation to the amount that is covered by the professional liability insurance, increased with the deductible that remains uninsured. GLG Litigation is affiliated with a foundation, in which funds are received from third parties and paid to the relevant client.
Privilege is claimed for all messages in this document as meant in article 26, subsection 1 of the “Gedragsregels Advocatuur 2018”, which may therefore not be produced in a court of law without prior, written authorization of the author. GLG Litigation is a member of Gaming Legal Group that has Bas Jongmans, Esq. as its sole UBO. Any corporate as well as personal income is solely generated from within the described structure.
GLG Litigation handles personal data in compliance with EU Directive 2016/679 on the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: ‘GDPR”). Although communications between GLG Litigation, third parties within the scope of execution of the Agreement and the client are privileged, GLG Litigation may be obliged to disclose information by law or court order.
General Terms and Conditions
The services of GLG Litigation are exclusively rendered under agreement between GLG Litigation B.V. (registered in the Amsterdam chamber of commerce under reference 51706687) and the client, on which services General Terms and Conditions (the: "Terms", the "Terms of Service" or: the "TOS") apply. The Terms apply to all services, including services that have been fully or party outsourced to third parties. Please find a copy of the Terms below, available for review online or for download.
Office Complaints Procedure
GLG Litigation has adopted a complaints procedure (hereinafter: the “Procedure”) for disputes that are not of a disciplinary nature as meant in Section 4 of the Netherlands Ordinance on Attorneys. The Procedure is mandatory for clients, prior to seeking any resolution via the Amsterdam court of law. Please find a copy of the Procedure below, available for review online or for download.
Whatsapp/Telegram Communications Protocol
This protocol is established to set forth guidelines for the use of Whatsapp/Telegram and Telegram for communications between the attorneys of GLG Litigation B.V. and their clients. It ensures that the communications remain professional, secure, and in line with the attorney-client privilege. All communications between the client and the attorney via Whatsapp/Telegram are confidential and fall under the attorney-client privilege. These communications shall be treated with the utmost discretion and protected from disclosure. Any remarks or exchanges made between the attorney and the client in the group app will be documented and added to the client’s case file. It is the attorney's responsibility to ensure proper recording and storage of these communications. Communications exchanged via Whatsapp/Telegram between the client and the attorney are for informational purposes only and do not qualify as formal legal advice. Formal legal advice will be given in a comprehensive legal opinion, which will be provided to the client in writing. This legal opinion will be issued only upon the execution of a written engagement between the client and the attorney. The attorney reserves the right to decide who may participate in the group app. The inclusion of any participant is at the sole discretion of the attorney and is determined based on the needs and requirements of the case. By communicating with the attorney via Whatsapp/Telegram, all participants implicitly agree to abide by this protocol. This protocol forms a part of the terms and conditions of GLG Litigation B.V. Any breach of this protocol may result in immediate removal from the group and potential legal consequences. Participants are advised to ensure that their devices are secured, have the latest security updates, and are protected by strong, unique passwords. The loss or theft of a device containing confidential communications should be reported immediately to the attorney. Should a client wish to terminate communication over Whatsapp/Telegram or if the attorney deems it necessary, all relevant communications should be exported and secured before ending the Whatsapp/Telegram conversation. GLG Litigation B.V. reserves the right to amend this protocol at any time. Notifications regarding any updates will be communicated to participants in a timely manner.
In the event of any questions, please feel free to reach out:
GLG Litigation B.V.
Flagship Office
Marianne Doorn
Suikersilo West 35
1165 MP Halfweg NH
the Netherlands
T +31 20 262 98 95
F +31 84 837 78 35
P.O. Box 17426
1001 JK Amsterdam
the Netherlands
VAT nr. NL823602229B01
GLG Netherlands B.V., January 2020, All Rights Reserved.